Sunday, May 9, 2021

Fueled by the progress already made, I continue with the cleanout

You never realize just how long a room is when you haven't seen 85% of its floor space in decades.

This 5 drawer cherry wood dresser and its matching 2 drawer nightstand (at this time sitting across the room filled with randomness) were my only bedroom furniture most of my childhood. We moved it out of my room before painting and stowed it in here after we were done because I finally got a full matching set of bedroom furniture for my own room. The rocking chair initially was in my brother's room hence its red cushions and then moved into my room only to come back here to stay when we painted. This dresser soon became filled with clothes storage as well. The dresser and its matching nightstand once emptied are now in a new home getting proper use with someone who was willing to haul them out of here and transport them to her home in exchange for getting new to her furniture free of charge. We researched charities for furniture donation like Habitat for Humanity but everyone said they'd only take it if we could transport it or at the very least haul it from the upstairs bedroom and out to the curb for pickup. 

Once the dresser was empty, I moved the rocking chair to sit against it so I could completely reach the rest of the shelves. It was quick work at this point to delegate the contents directly to the donation pile soon giving me several empty shelves.

The three shelves with items in the center section here are shelves momentarily designated for categories of items I'd found - stuffed animals, sweatpants, assistive devices, etc. They'd otherwise been cleaned out at this point as well.

And of course, I couldn't resist the chance at this point to grab a different perspective photo now standing with my back to the windows. It still amazes me to be standing there for this picture when before I could only walk into the room as far as where the toilet paper stack meets the sliding mirror closet doors. 

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