Sunday, May 9, 2021

Finally seeing glimpses of the finished product

With a little help from simply piling some of the floor items like the nightstand and bags of cosmetics and bath products out in the living room for the time being, I was able to spread out a little more to sort the last large plastic container of clothes. I made quick work of sorting the pile of pants on the floor for donation and transferred the toilet paper stash onto the now empty bottom shelf by the window.

Seeing so much available floor space also meant I could really tell how much dust had been on and underneath everything piled up. Knowing this was decades worth of dust, I wanted to do a quick vacuuming to get up whatever I could. You never realize how satisfying it is to find two outlets on opposite sides of the room you didn't even remember were there until you do so because the room has majorly been cleaned out.

We moved the dresser and rocking chair aside to be able to vacuum around the whole room. I noticed the other day that a great side effect of all this effort is I'm seeing some great arm definition forming from all the heavy lifting. The ability to stand in the middle of this room in the first place weeks before was unfathomable so to do so now and touch both walls felt amazing! 
That's not a sun spot on the rocking chair cushion, it's coated in dust. 

It's not easy to see in this picture but one should probably vacuum under their furniture more often. Discovered a who knows how old fecal remnant from one of our former cats.

It was so much easier to work now that I could fully stand in front of the shelving unit and further sort items. It's amazing what a simple change vacuuming the space made for my drive and my lungs. You can tell in this picture how high that one pile of yarn was tucked into the corner between the shelving unit and the wall.

It's been a long time if ever I've seen this carpet looking so bright red

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