Thursday, December 26, 2019

American Cruise Lines - Day 11 - Savannah, GA (Part 3)

By the time 5PM rolled around, not only had the lounge filled up with people interested in checking out the Pilot House tour, but Dad had also returned from his tour of the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum. He said so many were interested in being back for this tour that they had the driver/guide end their tour early in order to get back here in time. They were supposed to be back around 5PM anyway and no one had come to talk to us in the lounge yet even as 5PM came and went. Other passengers were coming by wondering why we'd all gathered and then went to fetch their significant others when they wanted to join in. Despite being on the schedule, the Pilot House tour seemed to surprise many. Around 5:15-5:20PM, the Captain wandered by the lounge and reluctantly announced that they were having some maintenance work done on the bridge. They had expected the work to be done by 5PM but since it was still going on, the Pilot House tour would have to be cancelled. Everyone was disappointed (especially us since this was failed try #2) but moved on to the cocktail hour. Dad had really enjoyed his tour at the museum and felt like he could have spent a whole other hour there as well so to come back early for something that didn't get to happen was even more disheartening to him. The Captain offered to reschedule the Pilot House tour for the same time during our stop in Brunswick, GA since that was also to be an overnight visit.

After some time for Dad to get settled since he'd come right into the lounge from his tour, we headed down to the dining salon for dinner.
Warm Crab Salad with Cornbread Pudding and a Sherry Cream Chive Sauce:
Roasted NY Sirloin with Brussel Sprouts, Fingerling Potatoes and Red Wine Jus:

This time properly cooked to order and yes Mama Libbie I ate all the Brussel sprouts even though I don't have this particular vegetable on a normal basis. I don't have a picture of dessert but judging by the menu choices, it's a safe bet that I went with ice cream again.

Tonight's entertainment was singer and guitar player Chris Paul. He played a good mix of classic tunes, some folk, and some country. 

I did get to enjoy a little bit of trivia after all when he asked the crowd if anyone knew about Johnny Cash's song and later movie, "I Walk the Line" plus who was in the starring roles. I also smiled at the shock and praise from fellow cruisers for knowing that answer. A question about classic country music and a more recent pop culture reference, easy. Now ask me a question about quantum physics or sports and then you can be shocked if I come up with the right answer.

And what's this new addition to the snacks passed around during evening entertainment? Dad was so happy to finally see an offering of root beer floats!

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